
Friday, July 16, 2010

Parents... Take it from me...

It’s hard as hell to be a good parent and to try to make the right decisions for your children. You can take advise from your parents, or other parents…. or even your friends that don't even have kids, but have a degree in Early childhood, but at the end of the day, you have to do what YOU think is best for your child… Besides, you're the only one that really knows what’s best for your child right??? Unless of course, you are a raggedy ass parent that drops off your kid to your family and friends each and every day because you have weed that needs to be smoked… (And yes I know someone that does that…)

Anyhow, me and my husband try our hardest to be good parents and show our lil divas lots of love….. and we give them enormous amounts of praise, so that hopefully one day they can be strong minded, confident young ladies… We make the smallest accomplishments the BIGGEST deal ever and because of that, they REALLY think they are hot shit! But I much rather them be over confident than to have low self esteem.

 For example, I remember the day Raven ran towards me full speed and screamed, "MOMMY, I just peed on the toilet, I washed my hands WITH soap, ANNNNNND…… I closed the bathroom door afterwards so that Rhea doesn't play with the toilet water…. OH OH… ANNNNNND… when I flushed the toilet, I didn't even put my fingers in my ears!!!!!! Aren't you proud of me???" Right now you're thinking… "fingers in her ears??" What’s up with that right? Well, she has a "thing" about loud noises, so flushing the toilet is just one of those things she rather not do…. The point is, we make a Really big deal out of their small accomplishments and because of this, they think they are the fastest, prettiest, smartest things that have ever walked the planet. And YOU have seen their pictures on this blog so they are OBVIOUSLY the prettiest…I mean duh… they did come out of my pretty business…

But them thinking that they are hot shit can backfire sometimes…

And because we are fairly young parents, I’m willing to admit that we have made some mistakes too. Although we are knowledgeable enough to know that our kids will define themselves according to how we raise them, we realize that some things that we have kept from them, (to protect them) may indeed have actually been GOOD for them…
Here is an example of how keeping away things that you feel are "inappropriate" for a child may end up being a bad choice. We don't allow our kids to watch music videos… pretty much anything on B.E.T… and not because they have the absolute WORST programming out of 6000 channels, but because the videos now a days are a lil bit too much and can be very suggestive! Everything is pretty much soft porn… and all the lil woman on there are thrusting something here or licking something there…. Some girl is kissing another girl… and all types of foolishness…. So we don't let the girls watch B.E.T and that is pretty easy to do since we don't really watch the channel at ALL anyway…. It hasn't been the same since Free and AJ left anyway…. and Rocsi works my LAST damn reserved nerve… Is the bitch black or NOT? So annoying!!

Anyhow, because they don't watch those videos, and because we don't really have opportunities to dance in front of the kids…. AND because I'm too cheap to let a white girl from Albany, Georgia teach my black kids hip-hop at the local dance school…. my girls learn how to dance from the best resources they have, they learn from each other! Along with Disney Channel and SpongeBob Square pants of course. So you can just imagine what they look like when they are dancing right?? As brown as my kids are, when that music comes on, they immediately turn into Becky, Suzy, Sally or Britney. (Which reminds me, Raven boycotted her name for a few months when she was 3… and only wanted to be called Britney.) Do you see what Disney Channel will do to your children??

So the valuable lesson that I learned…. and in turn want other parents to learn, if they haven't already IS…. Let those damn kids watch a few music videos!!!! OR ELSE… they will wind up like this…

This is a video of Raven dancing to one of my hometown's classic songs… Peanut Butter Jelly. Hubby introduced the song to her on The only video he found was a lil banana cartoon dancing to the song… I tried to teach the child the right way to dance to the music…she refused and because we always emphasize to her that she is so GREAT at everything, no matter how retarded she looks or sounds… she wanted to emulate the banana and dance like her name was Suze Anne.

First video is the banana… second video is the monkey we call Raven A.KA. Britney, dancing like the banana.

When she was done dancing she asks, "MOMMY…. Did I do good???" And of course my response to her was… "Raven, you were AMAZING!"


  1. Awww she is so cute! That is how a young girl her age should be dancing. That's my 13 cents!

  2. Now u know u & Ran can teach them girls the electric slide, reebok, running man or something! Too cute, but teach her something before the little carribean girls teach her in the bathroom like they did me, lol ;o)

  3. LOLLLLLL!!!! Go "Brittany", it's ur birthday! I once heard u say how deep the roots of the Eritrean people from that statement I deduce that u guys can't dance huh?! ;-)

  4. ROFL. I lost it on the BET rant (Actually been wondering the same about Rosci) - couldn't agree any more. As bad as BET is, MTV is even worse...but I digress. This is how kids should be dancing. I know you've seen that video of those lil kids at a party doing all kinds of adult dances... with the adults actually cheering them on... SMDH. Clearly there is a vast difference in potential between those kids and yours.
