
Monday, June 14, 2010

Jungle Fever...

We were eating pizza when this little boy passes by the glass window. He starts making silly faces through the window and Raven starts playing along. This is an example of two things... First thing is, children have the purest hearts. Only children can be complete strangers and play like this. The second thing this is an example of is... There are some raggedy ass parents on this planet. Where was his mom while he was running up and down the plaza sidewalk? At the end of the plaza talking to a friend...smoking a cigarette. And people try to report ME to Children and Families Dept?? But back to the picture above... Isn't it sooo cute??!?!


  1. LOL. You're a mess!! That boy don't even look white! He looking mixed himself... lol. His parents had jungle fever.

  2. Love your blog....I follow two blogs. Yours, which is funny, honest and true. And the other is just a old old friend and her kids growing up in upstate Florida. Yours is waaayyyy more entertaining. Keep it up!!! YOur not a just say EXACTLY what is on your mind...and I know you hold continue being an inspiration....a funny, honest one.Oh! THis is Jessica I just anonymous because it's easier.
