I also tried the Depo Shot and I had my cycle for about 8 months. EIGHT flippin months of the drip! Can you believe that?! What's the point? I couldn't even hunch anyone! And then the few times I actually did have sex, it felt like I was getting freaky with a hair brush. It sucked all the juice out of my Vejay-jay. It was the true example of dry humping. NOT a good feeling at all! And so then I had to get some Astroglide stuff to make the sexual experience a lil more bearable, but it was STILL painful! BTW... FYI..... AstroGlide is the JUMPOFF!!!! I've never tried KY Jelly, but I hear its better than KY........ So you're asking why I kept getting the shot, right? Well, I got it the first time, and that lasted 3 months..... and then when I went back to the doctor, he suggested I give it another try because.... "my body needed to get used to it". Shot number 2 was the last shot needless to say.
I've also tried the Mirena.. ya know... the lil gadget they insert in your cervix? Well, although it was convenient and all, cause I never had to worry about it until 5 years after having it inserted, I was an EMOTIONAL wreck! I really felt like I was going to kill myself along with these kids. I had it inserted when baby #2 was about 2 months ......so you can just imagine what that did for my postpartum right? ?!?!Being emotionally all over the place along with being sleep deprived is a deadly combo. Deadly for the baby, not me.....I was just SOOOO crazy while I had it in. Like that mean old lady that yells random shit at you every time you pass by her window????.... yeah that was me.
It also made me break out ALL the time. I'm talking about those lil heat bump looking pimples. Sixteen year old acne in your late 20's??? .... Not a good look.
Another thing it did was completely suck the all the Libido out of me. Mirena was NOT the husbands friend at all. He had plenty of late night rendezvous with PALMela while I was on that Mirena CRAP!Also, it gave me these abnormal/uncomfortable pains in my pelvis. Well, one day after mentioning all my issues with the Mirena to the kids babysitter... she told me that she was in the hospital having emergency surgery on her hip because of the Mirena!!!!! Needless to say... I had that bad boy removed the next week!
For a while, me and hubby have been playing hot potato and doing the whole...."Ok, I'm ready.. MOVE!!" kind of birth control .......but that is way TOO risky! And I sooooo don't want anymore kids at this moment in life.
No need to take any chances AGAIN, so I decided to get on the OrthoTriCyclon Lo Pill. I can't tell you how many times I have been on and off this damn pill. I am so horrible with remembering to take it. I will go through the first week and then one day I will realize, "Oh shit!! It's been 3 days since I took the damn pill!!!! Ahhhh HELL... now I have to wait till next month!!"
Last month was the FIRST month in about 3 years that I finished a whole pack of pills. I still didn't really take it the way I should though, just MUCH BETTER than usual. The doctor told me that because I have the low dose, I REALLY need to be taking it at the same time EVERYDAY! I set my alarm for it every day at 9am, but I still manage to put it off until noon or so. I need to get it together.
Now even though I have been on every damn contraceptive under the son... I have learned that the BEST birth control that works for me is pictured below.
LOVE my sweet Rhea to death, but a good portion of the time, she drives me APPLES and BANANAS! She is the sweetest, cheapest and most effective birth control available on the market!!!!!
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